A new study | 1.15 million -cryptocurrency-in Morocco

Report: 1.15 million cryptocurrency owners in Morocco.

A study conducted by the Policy Center for the New South, covering 33 African countries, showed that the number of people owning cryptocurrencies in Morocco reached 1.15 million. in the year 2022, a GDP of $8,612 per capita was achieved..

In a research entitled "The Digital Currency Revolution in Africa: Fact or Exaggeration?" Henri Louis Fede confirmed that this figure means that 3.05% of the population of the Kingdom owns cryptocurrencies, noting that Morocco is the country that has experienced the greatest growth in the use of digital currencies in recent years. , among 33 countries.

It is declared: "D'un point de vue demographique, it faut rappeler que la plupart des utilisateurs de monnaie numérique sont des jeunes âges de 20 à 30 ans, et au Maroc également. As an example, the results of an enquête menée par" Synergia ont declaré que les utilisateurs de Bitcoin représentent des jeunes avec âgés de plus de 30 ans ou de plus de 50% », d'autres enquêtes avancent ce chiffre jusqu'à 70% in Africa subsaharienne.

He explained that Africa, with all his pay, is the continent that lasts more than a month, with a month of 19 years, so it doubled the age of the population of Etats-Unis d'Amérique, with a year of age of 38 years.
It is too late to live in urbain, the utilities of cryptocurrency are not concentrated in the great villes, like Casablanca, in Maroc, they are still alive.

The author of this study explained that in Nigeria and Morocco, two countries on the list of countries that ban cryptocurrency trading, the number of holders has increased in recent months, Where he pointed out the ineffectiveness of this official ban, as it rises
The risk of investing in digital currencies, especially at the present time.

Returning to the cryptocurrency regulation project in Morocco, the expert notes that the Wali of Bank Al-Maghrib, Abdellatif Jouahri, announced a cryptocurrency regulation project which represents an "important first step" in the path that could guide the country towards its formalization. . Permitted under certain conditions.

He said that this announcement will be a break for the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Moroccan Authority for the Money Market and Bank Al-Maghrib,, stressing that this project,In the event of approval, the acceptance of digital currencies will be possible in the first stage, and monitoring how they are used, with the need to fight the crime of money laundering.. Certainly, the financing of terrorism will be more dangerous than ever..
The Policy Center for the New South is a Moroccan study center whose mission is to contribute to the development of economic, social and international public policies relating to Morocco. In addition to other African countries that cannot be separated from the Great South.

It should be noted that Morocco intends to launch its first digital currency in the next few days

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