Cryptocurrency: What is its future and what is its impact on the environmen !

Promising digital currencies that are to the environment !?

Experts say that all cryptocurrencies are relatively harmful to the environment, but some have less impact, according to data center TRG

The company, which is headquartered in Houston, Texas, USA, says that the digital currency "XRP" is less harmful, using 0.0079 kilowatt-hours

While the currency "Dogecoin" promoted by Elon Musk a lot, consumes 0.12 kilowatt-hours. As for Ethereum, it consumes 62.56 kilowatts per hour.

The most successful bitcoin in the cryptocurrency world is at the bottom of the list, consuming 707 kilowatts per hour

What is the future of digital currency ?

The cryptocurrency holder is "a good idea in many ways, optimistic about its future" but believes that this should not come at the expense of the environment.
He said he "has no intention of selling the bitcoins his Tesla bought and intends to use them in transactions once mining transitions to more sustainable energy" such as solar and wind energy, and that he would look at other cryptocurrencies that use less than 1 percent of the energy used in bitcoin mining.

But his statements sparked widespread controversy on social media, and he was criticized for his conflicting tweets.

Alex Mashinsky, founder and director of cryptocurrency company Celsias, told BBC Trending: "Elon Musk had a very short affair with Bitcoin, I think he didn't realize who he married. Bitcoin, so I think it was a premature divorce between Elon and Bitcoin, and I'm sure crypto trading would work fine without Elon Musk."

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