What is ✈️ PitoGo Travel Service

 PitoGo Travel Service's goal has always been to make tourism the most popular and in need of leisure activities worldwide .

At the moment, we can see that major travel websites offer a wide range of travel services. However, the most significant issue is that when people travel to other countries, they must exchange their currency for that country's, which results in differential losses.

Traveling has never been easier thanks to the decentralized cryptocurrency system developed by Pi Network.As a result, using our platform, you can easily obtain the services you require while traveling without having to exchange currencies or risk losing money due to fluctuations in exchange rates.

Our services 

The following tourist services are available on the PitoGo platform:with local retailers to provide services

1) Purchase transportation tickets We offer ticketing services for airlines, trains, cruises, and other modes of transportation.

(2) Purchase tickets We offer tickets for one-time activities, attractions, amusement parks, travel itineraries, and other events.

(3) Making reservations for hotels, restaurants, and delivery services We offer tourist hotels (HOTEL, BnB), reservations for restaurants, and food delivery services (such as Pi Eat, Uber Eat, and FoodPanda, among others).

(4) Transportation in the traveling region

We give online reservation and rental administrations for taxis, bikes, bikes, and so on.

(5) Souvenirs for tourists We offer online souvenir purchases.They are not required to be picked up in person.They will be personally delivered to the designated location when you are ready to leave.


When tourists make purchases on the platform and carry out checkout actions using Pi payment. To complete the payment quickly, tourists only need to confirm the amount by clicking the tab on the passphrase. We will send a secure and dependable SMS or email notification.

To make it easier for tourists to pay, participating stores can set up functions for prepayment and final payment in the background.

Model for global cooperation 

We can expand our collaboration with local travel agencies in various regions. The travel agencies of those countries will create content for the country's travel service on the platform to provide the most comprehensive and user-friendly travel advice.

Because it is an integrated global platform, you won't have to visit the websites of different regions to get the tourism activity plan you want.

Pi points reward Whenever a visitor makes a purchase through the platform, they are eligible to receive Pi's points rewards. These rewards can be accumulated and redeemed for additional preferential price options during subsequent purchases.

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